BUTCHER BULLSHarvest your own animal and be 100% certain that what you're feeding your family is healthy, safe, and nutritious.
We raise our Yak bulls on an all grass diet to be butcher ready between 800-1000 lbs. Yaks are herd animals, and to see them live as happy and stress free a life as possible, any 'sold' live Yaks can remain on the farm for as long as needed. We are happy to walk you through all the steps in processing your animal from pasture to plate. Please contact for pricing and availability |
Cows (Naks)Harvest your own wool, and raise your own calves.
Smaller and sassier than the boys at an average 600lbs, Yaks are winter hardy and easy on the grocery bill. Naks are great mothers, efficient grazers, and low maintenance pasture pets. We have registered and grade cows for sale, bred to our registered bull for 2025 calves. Please contact for pricing and availability |
Contact us to get started in making Yaks a part of your farmily